Welcome to the only website dedicated Danish pipe makers and their beautiful pipes.
It is our goal and ambition to give you the outmost information on the subject, and to help you to locate your favorite Danish pipe maker.

We will do our best to promote shops all over the world selling Danish handmade pipes, tobacco and accessories - you will find a list of the best here.

In the near future we will establish a newsgroup where any subject regarding Danish pipe makers can be addressed - until then, please send us a mail if you have any questions or input to share with us - and/or your fellow smokers and collectors.

We will also welcome your personal review of a Danish handmade pipe, and will ad it to our collection of pipe reviews. Over time this will be a vital source for choosing just the right pipe for yourself.

Advertising on danishpipemakers.com are vital - both for you as a dealership or shop owner - for the visitors - and for us.
Visitors on this website will all be your potential costumers, and the more visible you are the better chance you have to get a visit from this site.
Please contact us for further information.

As a pipe maker you know that it is vital to be (and stay) a well known name in the business. Whether you are selling through agents or/and directly from your workshop, you will be found here at this website. Please contact us for information about enrolling (or getting your own private website.

If you are a good Danish "hobby"-carver or know of one, then please let us know.
It is vital for the future to ensure the "new generation" of Danish pipe makers.
We can offer a number of solutions - from the very small homepage to a full-blown shopping solution with on-line payment.

If you want to sell Danish pipes directly through this website, please let us know - we are working on this feature right now.

Drødhøjvej 12, Borup
DK-8420 Knebel

Att. Mr. lars Kiel

Phone: +45 8637 6000
Fax: +45 8637 6070
Mobile: +45 4027 0939

Mail: info@danishpipemakers.com

All materials contained on this web site are protected by the copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of the owner of this website danishpipemakers.com, Lars Kiel at the mail address: lars@kiel.dk - except under the following conditions.


You may download material from this web site for your personal, non-commercial use only.
You may reprint or republish portions of text from the site but only if there is attribution danishpipemakers.com including the individual author if identified.
Images displayed on this web site are the property of their respective photographers (most often Lars Kiel).


Contact me if you wish to obtain a reproduction of an image or if you wish to obtain permission to redisplay an image on another web site.
For information on other photographers, also contact Lars Kiel.